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SEO Writing Assistant by Semrush is a way to improve the content of your website

Semrush SEO Writing Assistant & SEO Content Template Review

In this article, I will show you the techniques with which I beat my competition in search results (SERP). There are two tools I use to do this – SEO Writing Assistant and SEO Content Template. How will they help you rank better than the competition? By explaining to you how to write better content than other websites. Do you also want to improve your technique of creating content? Let’s get into it.

Why use a SEO template and assistant to create online content?

For online content (text), quality search engine optimization is usually needed. Why is SEO important to the site? The main reason is better visibility in search results and, above all, better ranking (better position in search results – SERP). 

Copywriter, as a content creator, can write texts based on suspicions and intuition, or on raw data, that comes directly from a survey of your best competitors, such as positioned in the TOP 10 search results positions on a specific keyword. What do you prefer? Conjecture and intuition or actual data? In my opinion, it is better to rely on raw data. My experience then shows that this view is correct, because I achieve good SERP results with my content. So that’s why you write content according to SEO Content Template and why you use SEO Writing Assistant. 

Both tools help me with the technique of writing content. At first glance, I know what to write about in the article, what semantically related words are used by competitors in similar text targeted at the same keyword, or how long the content should be so that it has a chance of achieving better positions in search results at all.

Semrush introduction

Semrush is a comprehensive tool for online marketing. In simplicity, it consists of a set of several tools for SEO, Paid Traffic, Social Media, Content & PR and Market Research. These will help you, for example, with competition research, but mainly with optimizing the website for search engines. And that’s what I’m doing in this article. In the Semrush review, you will learn more about what this tool can do and how it will help you.

And now let’s finally take a look at the tools that take your writing technique and site content to the next level.

While tools like the SEO Writing Assistant by Semrush are invaluable for optimizing content, platforms like PRNews.io offer a different angle by providing press release distribution services. This ensures that once your content is optimized, it can be disseminated to a broader audience, further enhancing its reach and impact. It’s a complementary approach, combining on-site content optimization with off-site distribution strategies.

How do I use the SEO Content Template and SEO Writing Assistant?

Using these tools makes sense if you have a keyword analysis done or know which keyword or phrase you want to target your content to. Of course, with well-optimized content, you end up getting traffic on a lot of other search queries, but the most important phrase is actually a pillar for those other search queries.

SEO Content Template

SEO Content Template is simply a template to help you create content. When I insert an important key phrase into it, I choose the market I want to target, after that I get some recommendations to help me create SEO-friendly content.

Semrush SEO content template review: add keyword
It’s easy to start creating content. You just insert a keyword.

The best way to show it is with an example. Let’s just say I want to create an article on the best sunglasses and target the American market with it. So I type the phrase “best sunglasses” in the box in the tool and click the Create SEO Template button.

Semrush SEO content template review: key recommendations
SEO Content Template for Best SunGlasses keyword

So what do I learn from my SEO Content Template?

  1. Semantically related words – these are related words that I should enrich my text with. For copywriter, these are other topics to be addressed in the article.
  2. Backlinks – Sites I want or should want to get backlinks from.
  3. Readability – the so-called Readability Score shows a number from 0 to 100. The higher the value of this number, the better the text is read. In the picture above, you can see that the average readability score for competitors is 63. That means I have to structure my text better, make shorter paragraphs and simpler sentences so that it is read better than the competition.
  4. Text length – the recommended length of text in the number of words. The picture shows that anything shorter than 1585 words theoretically has no chance of better results in SERP. 

In practice, I know that the 4 points mentioned and recommendations from the content template are good to take with a grain of time. I don’t have to stick to it 100%, but they are a kind of a guide for me on how to create content. For example, the length of content is debatable because you are often overtaked by sites with shorter texts in search results. One reason may be that the issue has been better and more concisely explained in the shorter text, which makes it better for the reader.

A little further down, you can explore the TOP 10 search results with a preview of how the competition uses keywords in the text. You can immediately see the number of occurrences throughout the text. 

Semrush SEO content template review: competition analysis

How the competition uses keywords.

I can click the text and examine it in detail. The tool highlights the keywords I’m interested in. Thanks to the highlighting, I can see the abundance of their occurrence across the entire text. 

Semrush SEO content template: analysis of competitor text
Analysis of competitor text

How to take advantage of all this? When I clicked through several articles my competition publishes, I found out where are errors and weaknesses in their content. Here, for example, I came across that their texts are poorly optimized and structured. There are almost no sub-headings in the text which would break paragraphs, inform readers about the next upcoming paragraph and an important passage not to be missed. Such text is hard for readers to read.

So I found out the main thing. Writing better text on this topic will be easy. But SEO Content Template tells me that there are very strong websites at the top. This means that I must definitely support my article with backlinks later. 

Finally, I get a few more basic recommendations on how to process the text. If I create a copywriter input, I will add this printscreen as an attachment to the work in progress.

Semrush SEO content template: recommendations for writing content
Basic recommendations for writing content.

SEO Writing Assistant

SEO Writing Assistant (SWA) is an assistant for writing optimized texts. It’s not at the stage where it writes the lyrics itself, but it can show me what’s good in them and what’s wrong.

Semrush SEO Writing Assistant review: Google Docs & WorPress add-on
SEO Writing Assistant has an add-on for Google Docs and WordPress.

The previous picture didn’t say much about SWA. SEO Writing Assistant is actually a text editor that can instantly analyze the written text and give me feedback on what should be improved in it, whether it is original, whether it is read well and whether it would be good toadd other related words to it.

Semrush SEO Writing Assistant review: SWA content editor
SWA Content Editor in Semrush.
Video: a preview of SEO Writing Assistant.

SEO Writing Assistant will show me the 4 most important things:

  1. Readability – what is the readability of my text. When analyzing the competition, I learned that the average readability score is 63. In the video above, you can see that my text has reached a readability score of 68. It’s a better result than our competition has reached. To do this, I will get tips on the number of words, whether there are problems with the main title of the article or its content. I mean, for example, the length of paragraphs, what sentences or words it would be good to overwrite, and other things that will help to improve readability scores.
  2. SEO – here I see different SEO metrics to help me better optimize text for search engines. I am probably most interested in the recommended words that I should mention in the text. Of course, it must make sense in the text.
  3. Voice tone – SWA can measure the tone of the voice used in text, depending on the words used. I am interested in the tone of my voice when I try to harmonize the tone of the texts of a particular project into a certain style. For example, if I were to write an article on my own blog , I would like the texts to be rather casual, so that they sound as personal as possible. On the other hand, I need to be neutral or perhaps formal in the technical text.
  4. Originality – This feature checks whether the whole text or a passage of it is a duplicate. I put an article from the Tripsavvy.com in SWA, so of course SEO writing assistant showed me that my text is not original and is, in fact duplicate. You can see for yourself a little higher in the video.

From these 4 main indicators, I get an overall score that shows me the quality of my own content. This score is complemented by an interactive chart. The rating ranges from 0-10. The higher the value, the better optimized the content should be. In the next picture, my text score is 4.4/10. From this I can immediately see that the text is not the best and needs to be improved. How? SEO Writing Assistant will help me with that.

Semrush SEO Writing Assistant review: summary of the quality of content
A summary showing the quality of content.

Why do I use these tools?

The most important thing for me is the readability function. Making content easier to read is a rather complex matter. It is precisely on good readability that the commercial success of the project may depend, because the better the reader understands the text, the more likely you are to get it on your side. More about what is readability and how it works.

Semrush and its 2 tools – SEO Content Template and SEO Writing Assistant give me some chance to quickly turn the game around with new content. To some extent, it can be argued that both tools will improve the technique of writing content, because they “force” you to insert semantically related words into the text that you may not even know about. You don’t have to do a complex keyword analysis because these 2 SEO content marketing tools will do it for you. 

As a result, I save a lot of time, I plan the structure of the whole content better, I know how long the text should be and where the weaknesses of the competition are. What more do you need to position your search results better?

5/5 - (3 votes)

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